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Friday 25 December 2020

2020 Has Been Difficult, But 2021 is Full of Possibilities

 2020 has been both a memorable and forgettable year. None of us have escaped unscathed in our personal or professional lives. As we look ahead to 2021, the experiences of this past year give us hope for better times and new opportunities. 



What Makes You Think 2021 Will Be Better?

Most of the issues that made 2020 feel like a horror story will roll along with us into the new year. 

2020 has been a challenging year forcing most people to adapt to new realities. What makes me optimistic is seeing that people are capable not only to adapt but to thrive on change.

Looking to 2021 and beyond that’s the lesson I take. I want to be more nimble and ready to embrace change, even if that means that I’ll have to fall on my face a couple of times, at the end, when you start progressing it’s all worth it.

So, I challenge you to look for opportunities that come with change, not just the challenges. Because when you take a positive approach it’s easier to.”



The Seeds We Plant


2020 was a terrible year for too many people. So much trauma, dislocation and illness. Everyone has their own stories, and everyone suffered (unevenly and unfairly) from the extraordinary shifts in our lives.

And yet, seeds were planted. Five or ten or twenty years from now, people will remember projects that were started, connections that were established, realizations that occurred. Doors were opened, babies were born and changes were made.

Few people celebrate forest fires, but we’re all eager to walk through the sylvan glades that follow.

If you were kept from planting all the seeds you hoped to in 2020, that’s okay. Because the best time to plant more seeds is always right now. Or perhaps tomorrow.