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Are You A T Shaped Employee?

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Your Money: The Missing Manual!

You don’t want to be rich—you want to be happy. Money can certainly help you achieve your goals, provide for your future, and make life more enjoyable, but merely having the stuff doesn’t guarantee fulfillment.

"Happiness, not gold or prestige is the ultimate currency.”
—Tal Ben-Shahar

How Money Affects Happiness

The big question is, “Can money buy happiness?” There’s no simple answer.

It seems natural to assume that rich people will be happier than others,

 But “Money is only one part of psychological wealth, so the picture is complicated.”

There is a strong correlation between wealth and happiness. Rich people and nations are happier than their poor counterparts; don’t let anyone tell you differently. But they note that money’s impact on happiness isn’t as large as you might think. If you have clothes to wear, food to eat, and a roof over your head, increased disposable income has just a small influence on your sense of well-being.

So, yes, money can buy some happiness, but as you’ll see, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. And there’s a real danger that increased income can actually make you miserable—if your desire to spend grows with it. But that’s not to say you have to live like a monk. The key is finding a balance between having too little and having too much—and that’s no easy task.

The Fulfillment Curve

More spending does lead to more fulfillments—up to a point. But spending too much can actually have a negative impact on your quality of life suggest that personal fulfillment—that is, being content with your life—can be graphed on a curve that looks like this:

This Fulfillment Curve has four sections:

·         Survival. In this part of the curve, a little money brings a large gain in happiness. If you have nothing, buying things really does contribute to your well-being. You’re much happier when your basic needs—food, clothing, and shelter—are provided for than when they’re not.

·       Comforts. After the basics are taken care of, you begin to spend on comforts. These purchases, too, bring increased fulfillment. They make you happy, but not as happy as the items that satisfied your survival needs. This part of the curve is still positive, but not as steep as the first section.

·         Luxuries. Eventually your spending extends from comforts to outright luxuries. These things are more than comforts—they’re luxuries, and they make you happy. They push you to the peak of the Fulfillment Curve.

·         Overconsumption. Beyond the peak, Stuff starts to take control of your life. But none of this makes you any happier. In fact, all of your things become a burden. Rather than adding to your fulfillment, buying new Stuff actually detracts from it.

The Sweet Spot on the Fulfillment Curve is in the Luxuries section, where money gives you the most happiness: You’ve provided for your survival needs, you have some creature comforts, and you even have a few luxuries. Life is grand. Your spending and your happiness are perfectly balanced. You have enough.

Unfortunately, in real life you don’t have handy visual aids to show the relationship between your spending and your happiness; you have to figure out what enough is on your own and seek balance to understand goals and values in the life!

It’s Not about the Money

If vast riches won’t bring you peace of mind, what will? --- A balanced life is a fulfilling life! This choice will, in turn, help you live a happier life.

For another attempt to quantify well-being, take a look at this happiness formula from Dilbert creator Scott Adams: http://tinyurl.com/happy-dilbert.

[Note: For an Excellent Look at how to be Happy, don’t forget to pick up a copy of Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project (Harper, 2009).]

Saturday 27 August 2016

Love This! Good Team Up Leads Good Businesses....

Bill Gates is regarded as one of the most successful men in the world, but most don't acknowledge that he didn't take his first steps alone. The name “Microsoft" and key knowledge needed to start the company came from co-founder Paul Allen, Gates’ friend and fellow computer enthusiast since the two were in high school. Without each other’s support, their venture might not have resulted in the multi-billion dollar, 41 year old tech giant we know today. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 

Feeling stuck? It might be time to Team up!


HR : More Than Hiring, Firing and Keeping People Happy ...

There is an unwritten HR law that needs to be addressed ... Sometimes it's a time thing .. 
Ain't It ?? ... Human Resources Managers do much more than handle !! ...

Think RED | Critical Thinking - Recognize Assumptions; Evaluate Arguments; Draw Conclusions.

Degrees in Thinking ?

The RED Model is a simple, yet powerfully effective, Critical Thinking tool. It lays out a path for understanding how critical thinking works and for developing each of the essential skills. It can be organized into an easy-to-interpret 3-step “RED” Model.

Let's take a look at each critical thinking to Learn and apply it...

Insights, Resources and Visual Notes on Leadership, Learning and Change!

Critical Thinking with the RED Model - YouTube  By Steve Piscitelli

Critical Thinking By Tanmay Vora http://qaspire.com/category/blog/criticalthinking/

What a Great Empathetic Leader !

Imagine coming in to your first day of work and seeing this note from your new manager. If only this were more common ..

It allows, in fact *celebrates*, that people need space to be human beings. It acknowledges that people actually thrive in an atmospheres of loving kindness and the Golden Rule of doing unto others. BRAVO! Definitely worthy of "trending"....


Friday 26 August 2016

Envisioning The Leadership Skill

A Vital Skill that Humans possess is the Ability to Envision the Future!

It is not that hard !

In a book I read, Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg, the author says that “… experiments show that anyone can learn to habitually construct mental models” and that is what a large part of being a futurist is all about. Futurists don’t predict the future they construct models of possible futures. It is constructing stories about  the way things might go in your life, in your job, or in your business. Duhigg then also says “It is easier to know what’s ahead when there is a well-rounded script in your head.”

Take time to think about the future of work for your company.


Of course you need to have some idea of what is going on in your life, job, industry, etc. and that involves paying attention to trends.

Three Basic Questions

One futurist, Glen Hiemstra, suggested, in an article in called How to See the Future, that there are three basic questions you need to ask when looking at trends.

1. Is the potential future technologically feasible?
2. Is it economically viable?
3. Is the technology socially or politically acceptable?

Asking these types of questions and creating a set of stories that take into consideration these factors will help you be prepared with answers when the time comes to implement changes. Rather than answering the question with a response of “we will look in to it” you can say “In our investigation we think we are probably three years away from the technology being viable enough for us to institute changes in our hiring, training and compensation systems.”

That is a much more strategic sounding answer for the envision, engage and execute....

HR And Business Planning - Developing A Plan for the future !

Whether you are in HR, Marketing or Any Other function, mastering the basics of business planning is an essential skill for the organisational survival and one... 

Successful Organizations have strategic and business plans that are specific to the critical resources which are managed and utilized.  Competency-based management supports the integration of human resources planning with business planning by allowing organizations to assess .

.... Today's business challenges demand a focused human resources agenda to close the gap !

How Is Human Resource Planning Integrated With Strategic Planning ...

You Are What You Read: The Books That Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Sparks

Everybody has a favourite book, a tome that has been a source of inspiration or influence, and entrepreneurs are no different, except that their top reads tend to be business books that have often helped guide them through their start-up journey.

If You are Planning to start your own Business? 

Here are 6 Must-Readable Books that will certainly help You People Bridge To Business ...

1. Quench Your Own Thirst by Jim Koch

2. How to Have a Good Day by Caroline Webb

3. The Third Wave by Steve Case

4. O Great One! by David Novak and Christina Bourg

5. Negotiating the Nonnegotiable by Daniel Shapiro

6. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

(Source : ET Panache http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/53854874.cms )


Janmashtami How India is Celebrating Lord Krishna's Birth & Dahi Handi Inspiring Facts.....

The birthday of Lord Krishna, better known as Janmashtami is celebrated with great gusto across the country. Every year people gather together to recite the tale of Krishna - the eight avatar of Vishnu, sing songs in his praise and celebrate Dahi handi. At Mathura and Vrindavan, there are dramatic enactments of Raas Leela that portrays the flirtatious side of this Hindu God. On the eve of Janmashtami, we take a look at how the country is gearing up for its celebration.

Read More @  http://indianexpress.com/photos/lifestyle-gallery/janmashtami-2016-heres-how-india-is-celebrating-lord-krishnas-birth-see-pics-2992738/3/

Just found good to share....

As I watched some Dahi-Handi yesterday, I guess there is a great learnt to the following 10 

things :

1. All Cannot be on top...

2. As you rise so does the risk rise too.

3. Ground Level bears the maximum load.

4. And the top guy always gets to eat all the 'माखन' First!

5. Its lonley on the top and if u have crowd with U, u r definitely at lower levels.

6. People management n Trust is very important to go up the ladder.

7. You may Fall, but no sooner u fall, gather ur shit n rise again.

8. Do not bother too much about the noise from outside, focus on ur inside 

9. It gets quieter as u go upwards, therz maximum nosie down below.

10. People who do the least make the maximum noise

 Go go go GOVINDA ... Just Remember the 'Kanha' inside U !!

Thursday 25 August 2016

Value Of Excellence

How To Get Along With People

Be Polite

I simply love the Vodafone Delights tag line: "Isn't it nice when someone makes you feel special?"

I guess we all feel nice when we are given preferential treatment. So how about being someone else's reason of delight or even just giving them their due respect?

I am sure you have heard the quote, 'Do unto others, what you want others to do to you.'

Be nice to people around you. Every time we interact with people, remember that a smile, a wink, a raised hand, a small pat on the back, a firm handshake... that's all it takes to show your appreciation. A lot of times we tend to believe that such small gestures don't make any difference. Think again and I am sure you will think otherwise.

I agree that while at work, it might be someone's duty to do a particular job and doesn't call for a 'thank you'. Yet, we should try to be polite with all those we interact. We should respect everyone and ............

To read more, please click on the link 

Wishing you a beautifully blessed day!

As 9-to-5 dies, Implications for Overtime Grow !

This interesting post appeared in the Business Management Daily. The HR Specialist reminds us of the changing workplace and the gradual disappearance of the standard 9 to 5 work week. With new overtime rules people working longer hours may have financial repercussions. 

Special  thanks to Jon Hyman of the Ohio Employer Law Blog for suggesting these fine post!

Your HR Career Wake Up Call !

Bring them into your HR day job to make your

life at work more enjoyable, exciting and fulfilling.

Understandably, some people would prefer to not to mix their personal interests and their work pursuits.

And frankly, some passions are entirely inappropriate to bring into the workplace. For example, if you’re into porn, serial dating or political or religious extremism, you’d be wise to keep your personal and work interests separated.

However, to spark up or energize your work life, you CAN incorporate conventional passions like: antiques, cooking, fitness, movies, golf, sports, biking, hiking, collectibles, animal care, crafts, social media and hundreds of others like these into your HR job

And, if you’re interested, here are a few tips for making it happen:

1.  Look for role models in or outside of your workplace.

One of the my role models in this area is Jeff Carroll.  Jeff is currently director of Leadership Development at Northern Illinois University and a former HR executive.

His passion is classic rock ‘n roll music, especially tunes by Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, and The Rolling Stones.

He incorporates rock music into all of the presentations he makes to students and his corporate clients.  He uses rock lyrics and quotes to get across key ideas when coaching corporate executives.  He’s also working on his first book addressing new rules for career management based on…you guessed it…rock music.

All this makes Jeff distinctive, interesting, in-demand and keeps him pumped up about his day job.
In your case:  Are there projects, presentations, programs, co-workers, clients, situations, products, and critical business needs that might be waiting to incorporate those things you’re truly passionate about doing AWAY from work?

2.  Connect with like-minded groups within your organization.

Next, find other people at your workplace who share a similar interests.  Ask others: “What do you like to do for fun? How do you spend your time away from work?” If the company is of any size and your interests are anywhere near the mainstream, you’ll likely discover others who share your passions.

In Sarah’s case, her conversations could have started with people in our company’s Employee Activities Committee.  Most organizations have volunteer groups like these whose job it is to provide fun activities which engage the workforce.  Participating could have offered Sarah opportunities to:
  • Help plan a summer get together (being outdoors)
  • Coordinate the company holiday party (floral design and decoration)
  • Sponsor fund raisers (a plant sale)
  • Or send floral arrangements to hospitalized employees (direct interaction with florists).

3.  Above all, don’t walk around being a grouch — at least, brainstorm the possibilities.

Despite being an expert in employee benefits, Sarah wasted many years making herself and those around her miserable.  She walked around bitter and angry at the world, which prevented clients and her colleagues from wanting to work with her.

Instead of griping like Sarah, try drawing two circles and listing the core aspects of your organization in one circle and the core aspects of your passion in the other. Then brainstorm ideas for how you could bring your interests and passions to work or how you could connect them to your current company’s business. Finally, see if there are places where the two circles intersect.
In Sarah’s case, her brainstormed list of possibilities could have included:
  • Leading an in-house task force to improve the landscaping around our office building
  • Consulting with our factory locations on the landscaping and design of their facilities
  • Working with the building staff on plants in offices.
  • Identifying ways to spruce up outdoor corporate meetings and conferences
I don’t know if any of these would have interested her.  But they certainly wouldn’t have hurt.  And I’m sure she could have identified fifty other possibilities like these that could have generated more excitement for her at work.

Worst case scenario:  If you’re burnt out on the HR work you’re doing, look for another job rather than fuming.

All that said, let me wrap up with this…

Bringing your personal passions, your interests and your full authentic self to work and connecting with others who share them is just ONE WAY…but a terrific way… to infuse more excitement into your day job in HR.

And when you’re truly energized, engaged and fulfilled on the job, there is no end to where you can take your HR career.

Think about it.


Determination A Wake Up Call To Human Will

In 2000 at Sydney Olympics, When Gopichand lost, he told Aparna Popat " I do not know if I shall be able to compete in the next Olympics but I would like to coach someone and bring home an olympic medal through them ."

Saina Nehwal - Bronze Medal, 2012 London
PV Sindhu  - Silver Medal,2016 Rio

That's Called Determination

He was a Champo who made India proud but he took a stand that he will " Never Be An Ambassador For Coco Cola " for the reason that its not healthy.

He knew that he'll be rich if he signs contract with coke, but he stood right against something that's not good

Proud of Mr Gopichand 

#Empowering People

Read/Blog/Inspire/Share/Tweet/Follow /Reach ME


History of Recruiting - Then & Now ?

Wednesday 24 August 2016

HR And The Zika Virus !

According to an article by the law firm Womble Carlyle the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued joint guidance for employers on how to deal with Zika and employees. The ten points in this guidance include:
  1. Educating employee on Zika and administering to those who may be exposed by their job insect repellent and protective clothing as needed. The guidance recommends employers require the use of these protective measures and supplying or reimbursing employees for purchasing these items.
  2. The education should make clear how Zika is spread and in particular focus education to outdoor workers, mosquito control workers, healthcare workers and business travelers.
  3. For companies that have employees that travel to areas more prone to Zika carrying mosquitoes the employer should allow employees more flexibility in their travel schedules.
  4. The guidance points out the Zika could be considered a serious health condition that may trigger a Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) need for leave. Employers need to be sensitive to this possibility and follow the appropriate protocol in granting leave.
  5. OSHA points out in the guidance that employees who refuse to travel to areas with active Zika transmission are, under the law, protected from discrimination for refusing to expose themselves to an unsafe condition. The employer may want to consider reasonable alternatives to having the employee travel to “hot” areas.
  6. Employers have to be careful not to discriminate against Hispanic workers or any other worker who may have traveled to or originated from an area with active Zika transmission.
  7. EEOC protection also extends to women who travel, and the company may not make the decision to prohibit women from traveling to infected areas. They should educate the women travelers on the risks, but not make the decision on whether or not they can travel. If an employee wishes to avoid the potential exposure the company should attempt to be accommodating in that request.
  8. HIPAA and other privacy considerations wrapped around the health condition of any particular employee need to be observed and adhered to.
  9. The guidance points out that Zika could trigger an ADA issue, however, companies cannot request medical examinations unless they consider the infected employee a direct risk to other employee. (Given that Zika for the most part is only transmitted by sexual contact that may not be much of an issue.)
  10. The EEOC reminds people that the guidance from the CDC must be followed on whether Zika poses a direct threat and employers are not allowed to make this subjective determination.

How Big of an issue will Zika be?

Fortunately Zika will not be an issue for most American workers. The U.S. does a better job of mosquito control than many other places. But companies that have workers that are outside, particularly in the South may want to take precautions. Requiring outside workers to spray some repellent on is not a burden.
But there is never anything wrong with a dose of caution and hopefully you have gotten that here.

For more guidance from the CDC on Zika visit their page here.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Interesting Study. By 2030 India's Top 5 cities will be Economies comparable to Middle Income Countries Today !

Warrior Wisdom & The Warrior Lifestyle

Don’t Expect the World to play by the rules just because You Do....

Ignorance is not bliss, it's a malady. It's foolishness to think if you are good people will reciprocate goodness back to you. Wake up from that reverie. The truth is different people react to different situations differently. This being a result of many variables, factors, orientations and perceptions.

Friday 19 August 2016

Game Changers: Attitude, Sportsmanship & Leadership

It Never Gets Easier, You Just Get Better…

We all like to win. Or at least get what we want. But with the increased impact of technology and globalization, competition has never been greater.

Which often leads to disappointment?

Which usually makes us bitter?

Off course they cheated!

We lost the promotion because the other guy sweet-talked the management. We resent the competition for stealing our clients. We even feel bitter towards people we haven’t even seen – the manager who didn’t like our resume, or the other couple who bought the house we liked.

Yet top performers not only accept the competition, they respect it. Even embrace it. Some even live for it. They realize that as leaders, they are usually judged more not by how the react when things are going well, but when things are going badly.

In my experience, good leaders although fiercely competitive, are usually good sportsmen and sportswomen. They understand that losing is also a part of life.

Here are the reasons why being a good sport is an essential part of leadership in any calling...

1) It creates a great culture

Sore losers are seldom fun to be around, let alone work with. A negative personality repels others, creates resentment and creates a “win-at-all-cost” mentality – ethically or not.

We’ve all worked in companies who will take any opportunity to trash talk the competition. Such organizations usually also take the opportunity to brain wash employees that the “others” are to be avoided at all cost. The dark side!

Yet embracing and respecting the competition improves culture. Firstly, it allows you to improve – by learning the best bits from others. Just like exceptionally performing athletes “pull” the rest of the competition up, the same is true of business. Secondly, being a good sport shows more belief in your own companies’ capabilities – that you are confident you can improve to win next time – rather than being a sore loser and make excuses. And thirdly, creating a good sportsmanship culture encourages workers to be fair and ethical at all times – to win in the right way.

2) It brings perspective

Accepting defeat honestly, brings humility, another essential skill in leadership. In the high stakes and high pressure world of business, those who become stressed over every mistake and defeat will not last long.

Work pressures are already causing record levels of physical and mental disease. Being a good sport and looking at defeat with a lighter frame of mind brings balance and perspective.Take it on the chin, learn, and move on.

Rather than permanently being defensive and stressed, good sports usually have more perspective to the real situation.

3) It enhances reputation

Sportsmanship shows leadership, responsibility, and class.

Everyone likes to work for a winner, but no-one likes a sore loser. It shows weakness. It’s unrealistic. And most importantly of all, it creates isolation.

Modern day greats such as Warren Buffet, Richard Branson and Bill Gates are outstanding examples of leaders who know how to lose with grace. Despite increasing levels of competition and even targeted campaigning (e.g Apple vs Microsoft), you’ll rarely find them trash talking the competition.

Being good sports shows integrity and respect. It enhances your reputation.

4) It fosters collaboration

Ethics And Values Build True Sports in pursuit of victory.

We’ve often heard how today’s competition is tomorrow’s partner. Those who are sore losers alienate the competition. Which means alienating tomorrow’s potential partner. Great leaders understand that respecting all others is an essential ingredient in long term success.

Sportsmanship fosters collaboration further down the line.

Lastly, how you win is how you are celebrated. But how you lose is how you are judged!

It is up to the leader to set the stage for great sportsmanship. Don't foul, don't flinch-hit the line hard

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Are You Looking for the Way To Prepare for the Future ???

I am in HR today how do I even begin to plan for something that does not yet exist? 

I came across an interesting article entitled Check out these 10 jobs of the future written by Gordon Hunt for the website SiliconRepublic. He talked about the report put out by Microsoft and The Future Laboratory. Both were an interesting read. All 10 of these jobs are conjectured to be jobs of the future, some sooner than others. 

Virtual reality is a growing reality. HR is already positioned to be the ethical technology advocate as a go between robots and humans!

You Need to be Imaginative

  • First, you have to understand how you operate, what is important to the business currently, and what mental models the business operates under (biases, impressions, and beliefs).
  • Secondly you need to read outside of HR & anticipate changes you need to know what is changing.
  • Thirdly, you need to know how people are changing or not changing. 
  • Fourthly, you need to pay attention to the trends involved in your industry and your population and your technology. 
  • Fifth, you need to be imaginative. 

    At Last Biggest Challenge is just a lack of interest !

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Turbo-Charge Your Marketing in Business

The Five Most Powerful Words in Business, and maybe in life: How can I help you? 
Of course, you can't just going around saying these words inauthentically. 
You have to say it when you can mean it, and most important, when you can and will be able to follow through.
"How can I help you?" is great when you're meeting a prospective customer. 
"How can I help you?" is great when talking to a current customer.
"How can I help you?" is perhaps best when you're talking to an employee or someone you manage.
We all have needs and wants, and when you tap into those needs and wants, and show people that you truly care, and that you are there to help, and not just to sell them something, or extract productivity out of them, it will go a long long way towards building a meaningful relationship. 

Work Perks Survey Result By Quill.com

Work-from-home flexibility was found to be the most desirable work perk according to a survey done by Quill.Surveys suggest the answer is changing and may be dependent on the age of the person you’ve hired.

What was once considered traditional in benefit offerings—raises, vacation time—may no longer appeal to employees. In fact, what’s most important to everyone is family leave—for births and adoptions—as well as flexibility to work where and when we need or want to.

How you keep employees also depends on their life stage.

This graphic helps you understand what employees are thinking and what you can offer, too.

Read about the findings from a Survey Quill more at 

Work perks that help attract and retain employees РCaf̩ Quill

Thursday 11 August 2016

Passion Fruit.Curiosity Retreats!

 A Lesson from Jason Silva - Finding Your Passion...

Have you ever thought about how you find your passion? One of the great life philosophers, Jason Silva, did a YouTube post on finding your passion. He based his discussion on an article by Steven Kotler called The Passion Recipe: Four Steps to Total Fulfillment. He says in this article that you need to:
  1. Make a list
  2. Hunt for intersections in that list (Jason uses Venn diagrams to illustrate that)
  3. Play in the space- feed your curiosities- daily
  4. Go public
  5. Turn your passion into purpose.
I recommend you read Kotler’s article, but Watch Awe Shots of Excellence of Jason Silva below. It is only 2 minutes long but you definetely Find your flow state and build your life around it! 

How to Find Your Passion - YouTube 

Top 30 Human Resources Websites

Ultimate List of Top 30 Human Resources Websites Curated Especially For Indian Professionals that Provides insights and opinions on Human Resources Trends and  Issues....

HR Associations in India

1. Ministry of Human Resource Development:  URL:
2. National HRD: .ULR:
3. SHRM – India:URL:
4. HR Sangam:URL:
5. HR Association of India: URL: hrd.online
6. Executive Recruiters Association:  URL:
HR Communities in India
7. hrVillage: URL:
8. HR.com URL:
9. The HR Club: URL:
10. India HR Live.URL:
11. Silicon India: URL:
12. The HR Fund: URL:
HR Publications in India
13. Bible HR: URL:
14. HRM Guide: URL:
15. About.com – Human Resource:  URL:
16. Labour Law Reporter:  URL:
17. Toolbox.com – HR:  URL:
18. HR Katha: URL:
HR Magazines in India
19. People Matters:  URL:
20. Business Manager: URL:
21. Perfect Professionals: .URL:
22. Human Capital: URL:
23. IUP Publications: URL:
24. The Human Factor:  URL:
HR Discussion Platforms
25. Labor Law Talk. URL:
26. LinkedIn: URL:
27.HRExchange: URL:
28. Cite HR :URL:
29. HRLink: An HR community that provides an open discussion platform to Indian HR professionals, employees and management gurus.URL:
30. HR Success Talk:  URL:

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Gamification is the Trend

The Gamification Spectrum

I came across an excellent paper written by Dr. Michael Wu that was published by Lithium. In this whitepaper Dr. Wu talks about the Gamification Spectrum and the nine patterns that builders and users of gamification need to be aware of in it use. These include:
  1. Gamified behavior- do you want a single action from a single user or multiple actions from multiple players
  2. Underlying metrics- you have to be able to track player behavior and that becomes increasingly difficult and complicated
  3. Susceptibility to cheating- Easy actions make it easy to “game” the system. I have a friend who games FourSquare by checking into a location that he just happens to be driving by rather than actually visiting. He is atop the leaderboard every week.
  4. Ideal visibility and scope of feedback- This deals with badges and the time they are visible. Newer players may get discouraged with long standing, yet easily earned badges.
  5. Value of rewards- Do you want to reward simple behavior by a single player or the behavior of a team?
  6. Sustainability- You have to have something that stands the test of time in order for it to be effective.
  7. Implementation- Do you want simple badges or will you require custom tools?
  8. Extinction period- this is tied into sustainability
  9. Engaged population- The more difficult the game the smaller the number of dedicated players.
Dr. Wu says that you need to have a three step strategy that include:
  1. Step one- Identify the effective timescale of your desired behavior
  2. Step two- Find a gamification tool with a feedback timescale ≈ your effective timescale
  3. Step three- Build a level-up ladder by filling in the gaps with tools that have successively longer feedback timescale along the gamification spectrum.
  • Always start with immediate feedback (e.g., points) to achieve scale
  • Fill all gaps (so the ladder is easy to climb) in order to maintain the scale as your players level up to the final rung of the ladder (i.e., the tool with feedback)
Go through and read this whitepaper to more completely understand Dr. Michael Wu's  explanation.

Opportunity Trend

I do believe that there is a tremendous opportunity for the use of gamification in human resources. It will take a coordinated effort between HR, game designers and probably some of the bigger software systems but I believe it may be worth the effort.

Monday 1 August 2016

HardWork Beats Talent

To really be the best you have to believe that out of millions of people in the world that you can, and will work the hardest....

So, Never give up, keep pushing forward because one day good will come to you. Do not let the clouds of life get in the way of your light. Reminds You that  Good things will always come ! ! 

I also choose this picture because it shows that no matter what odds you have against you, if you work hard then you can accomplish your goals...

"Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work As Hard" by ...