Friday, 28 October 2016
Get Unstuck - How to Move Forward in Life !?!
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Sometimes the Truth is not Simple !
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Mind Over Matters !?! Whats in a Brain ???
It's all MIND over MATTER, If we don't MIND, then it doesn't MATTER"
A man who has gone out of his town comes back and finds that his house is on fire.
It was one of the most beautiful houses in the town, and the man loved the house the most! Many were ready to give double price for the house, but he had never agreed for any price and now it is just burning before his eyes.
And thousands of people have gathered, but nothing can be done, the fire has spread so far that even if you try to put it out, nothing will be saved. So he becomes very sad.
His son comes running and whispers something in his ear:
"Don't be worried. I sold it yesterday and at a very good price ― three times. The offer was so good I could not wait for you. Forgive me."
Father said, "thank God, it's not ours now!" Then the father is relaxed and became a silent watcher, just like 1000s of other watchers.
Please think about it!
Just a moment before he was not a watcher, he was attached.
It is the same house....the same fire.... everything is the same...but now he is not concerned.
In fact started enjoying it just as everybody else in the crowd.
Then the second son comes running, and he says to the father, "What are you doing? You are smiling ― and the house is on fire?" The father said, "Don't you know, your brother has sold it."
He said, "We have taken only advance amount, not settled fully. I doubt now that the man is going to purchase it now."
Again, everything changes!!
Tears which had disappeared, have come back to the father's eyes, his smile is no more there, his heart is beating fast. The 'watcher' is gone. He is again attached.
And then the third son comes, and he says, "That man is a man of his word. I have just come from him. He said, 'It doesn't matter whether the house is burnt or not, it is mine. And I am going to pay the price that I have settled for. Neither you knew, nor I knew that the house would catch on fire.'"
Again the joy is back and family became 'watchers'! The attachment is no more there.
Actually nothing is changing!
Just the feeling that "I am the owner! I am not the owner of the house!"makes the whole difference.
Moral Learnings : < ))
This simple methodology of Watching Mind That You have nothing to do with it. Everything starts with a thought! Most of the thoughts are not yours but from your parents, your family, the books, the movies, the television, the newspapers....
Just count how many thoughts are your own and you will be surprised that not a single thought is your own.All are from other sources , all are borrowed - - either dumped by others on you , or foolishly dumped by yourself but nothing is yours!!
Sow a Thought You Reap an ActionSow an Act You Reap a HabitSow a Habit You Reap a CharacterSow a Character You Reap a Destiny...!
Thus, Our mind is everything .. we become what we think ...
Saturday, 22 October 2016
The 20 Habits of Eventual Millionaires - James Altucher
Each habit is a super power. Be the person that everyone remembers. These 20 habits of eventual millionaires are the seeds.You plant them, you water them, some grow, you grow, everyone grows. I only know this because I had to do it.
( Source via @ )
Friday, 21 October 2016
What Great Leaders Say To Highly Engaged Teams
Great leaders inspire their teams to go above and beyond. They listen to
them, recognise their needs and value the contribution of each team
member. It all starts with great relationships – when you collaborate
and trust in their abilities engagement and motivation will increase. By
admitting mistakes, and looking at what you can learn from them, you
gain respect and reduce fear, building trust
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Email Etiquette Tips & Practices Every Professional Should Know...
Thursday, 6 October 2016
Color Humanizes Your Brand & Introduces Its Personality !?!
Stand Out: Design a personal brand. Build a killer portfolio. Find a ...
Brands Use Color to Shape their Brand Persona.These things shape how people feel about and interact with a company. Experience the Exciting Red & Competent Blue - the importance of color in marketing // //
Is Patience A Skill ???
Of Course it is...
You can learn to be more patient.
What about Good Judgment & Maturity?
Yes, also Skills!
Patience is a virtue you can work on, but as such it is not a skill that can be learned. You can learn to hide your impatience. You can learn what triggers your impatience and manage your emotions. You can learn to measure your reactions. Inside though, you still have that simmering flame of impatience burning. If your stress levels are high, this burning flame might turn into a blaze. So it’s important to know your triggers.Thus a good start for controlling your response is to reflect on why something resonates strongly with you.
Learn from your environment and ask lots of open-ended questions: Replace your judgment with curiosity.
Find out what motivates people whose behavior triggers you to struggle
with patience. Find out about their background, their interests and
goals. You can learn so much by engaging in active listening and questions. Collect stories and you will see how people open up and you start forming new alliances. If you approach people with an open mind and listen, you will find something interesting and get a glimpse of different world views that can make yours bigger and more beautiful.
In order to successfully build your tolerance levels and display of patience you need to probably use a combination of the above strategies. You need to revisit your behavior quite a few times and just keep at it.
Some things come easier than others. If you expect difficulties in
certain situations you usually cope better, it will be the little things
that trip you up, when you don’t expect trouble and are not prepared.
For success in building your patience it’s vital not to just change behavior but develop new supporting habits that stick.
Keep noticing when something triggers you, change your state when it
does and know your values and what makes you tick. And don’t beat
yourself up when you slip: the flame is still burning, remember?!
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Some Opportunities are Traps!
Lessons from this Picture
1. Not all opportunities are to be taken. Some are traps.
2. A person can become so determined to destroy another person that they become blind and end up destroying themselves.
3. You fight best in your natural element and environment. Here the bird has advantage in his natural element.
4. Know your limits, we all have them.
5. Sometimes the best response to provocation is not to fight.
6. Sometimes to accomplish something you need team work, you will not always win alone.
7. Stick to what you do best and don’t pursue what will kill you.
Co-op !
Despite the increasing demand for top talent, many firms have processes
that slow the hiring process. Increasingly these firms are losing
talent to competitors, counteroffers, or just dissatisfaction. Firms
that learn improve the speed of their interview and hiring processes will start to gain some competitive advantages.
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started. The Secret of Getting Started is Breaking Your Complex ...
Monday, 3 October 2016
Code of Ethics : Why Writing One is Not Enough !!
Desires, Right and Wrong: The Ethics of Enough: Mortimer Jerome ...
Most companies seek to be more profitable.
They seek to increase their Key Performance Indicators. More
referrals, more satisfaction, more loyalty. They seek to increase their
market share, their dividends, their stock price.
But ethics?
In fact, most companies strive to be just ethical enough. To get
ethics to the point where no one is complaining, where poor ethics
aren't harming their KPIs.
What if instead...
Being more ethical was the most important KPI?
Perhaps profit and market share and the rest could merely be tools in
service of the ability to make things better, to treat people ever more
fairly, to do work that we're more proud of each day.
It might be worth trying.
Shape Your Own Philosophy of Happiness
2 Questions That’ll Probably Come Up in Your Next Job Interview
" Where the person is coming from—and where they want to go—are strong indicators of whether they’re the right fit for the job. " Lilly Diabetes President Enrique Conterno reveals what job interview questions matter most to him:
It's Time for HR to Start Thinking More Like Marketing
HR as Product, Be the Human Resources Brand of Choice.We are always working on bringing in new clients & services.
There are many traditional methods of marketing and selling, which
unfortunately are not working as well in today’s economy as they have in
the past. So it is time to look at new methods !!
To this end, It's a great picked up and read David Meerman Scott’s book The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing, and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly. It is a good book for using his several of the ideas forwarding to increasing business opportunity.
One of the concepts he talks about is understanding your buyer’s
persona. And it is likely you will have multiple buyers, thus you need
to understand multiple personas. Certainly good information and an
interesting concept for marketing. But it got me thinking that ALL Human
Resources Managers should read this book because much of what he talks
about in terms of social media use and understanding buyer personas
applies equally well to the HR department and employees.
David Meerman Scott writes about having content rich materials as opposed to the one-size
fits all products and features. Great marketing stuff that HR needs to
pay attention to. Too many HR departments have one-size-fits-all
handbooks, health insurance, compensation programs. We create the
materials in terms of what we, the HR department, want people to know
instead of creating multiple buyer personas and giving them the
information they want to have.
When was the last time you viewed all the potential “buyers” of HR?
Managers, employees, the C-Suite, applicants, ex-employees, the press
and vendors are just some to of the buyers for which you would need to
develop a “persona”. Have you? Or does everyone get the same story and
If you have not looked at your human resources department from a
marketing perspective I suggest you do so and DMS’s book is a good
start.Check it out this new methodology @
How Google Attracts the World's Best Talent @LaszloBock
Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will ...
Book By Laszlo Bock,SVP of People Operations at Google
"We spend more time working than doing anything else in life. It’s not right that the experience of work should be so demotivating and dehumanizing.
- Laszlo Bock
This insight is the heart of WORK RULES!, a compelling and
surprisingly playful manifesto with the potential to change how we work
and live.
Drawing on behavioral economics and human psychology,
Bock provides teaching examples from a range of industries. He also
reveals why Google is consistently rated one of the best places to work,
sharing counterintuitive principles that are easy to put into action.
RULES! shows how to strike a balance between creativity and structure,
leading to success you can measure in quality of life as well as market
We ALL know Google is famous for its Hiring Practices and Work Environment.These are excerpts of the book which talks about Google’s hiring process that make them hire the best of the best to sniff out the talents.
Read it to build a better company from within rather than from above; Read it to reawaken the joy in what you do.Read it to hiring the best people of the Organization :- ))
Sunday, 2 October 2016
Mirror Oi Your Mind . Anxiety, Too, Loves Company
It's said that misery loves company. I would rather add that anxiety loves company too. Worries are happiest in a crowd, and fears flock together......
Somehow, at least in our culture, we find relief when others are anxious too.
So we spread our anxiety, stoking it in other people, looking for solace in the fear in their eyes.
And thanks the the media, to the microphone we each have, to our hyper-connected culture, it's easier than ever to spread our anxiety if we choose. And when someone who seeks power offers to hear our anxiety in exchange for attention or a vote, it gets even worse.
It's worth noting that there's no correlation between the real world and anxiety. In fact, it's probably the opposite--when times are good, people with a lot to lose start to get that itch.
Absorb the anxiety if you wish, spread it if you must, but understand that it's an invention, and it's optional.
(Source: Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Fear: Practical Ways to Find Peace )
Work is not a place you go, but something you do
we focus on time in our seats at work as a measure of productivity, not
only are we measuring the wrong thing, we actually spend more time being
unproductive ourselves....
Have You Ever Ask Yourself for - Where do you get your best work done? Where
do I have my most creative thoughts? Where am I when I get my best ideas?
willing to bet that you probably didn't say "sitting in my cubicle".
I think there are times when it is helpful to be in an office, collaborating in
person with team members. I also know that I often get more work done in an
hour at home than I could in a full afternoon in an office environment at
times. There are other times that I find the music and atmosphere of a coffee
shop helpful for some types of work. And I know I get my best ideas when I'm outside
in nature or going for a run with my dog. So why do we force people to come to
work from 9-5, when they may get more and better work done from elsewhere.
so here's where it gets difficult. Because just saying "work from
anywhere" won't work unless you know what you're working towards. In an
autonomous working world, clear purpose, mission, and goals and objectives are
important. We need to get clear on the results we are responsible for, and
measure those - not the time spent attempting to achieve them.
believe it's time to stop worrying about where and when people work. It's time
to start thinking about what they accomplish. Who decided that 9-5 was the
correct time for work, anyway? Let's start to question the basic assumptions of
work and just focus on being successful for our organizations and our
customers. The work world and our lives could be much happier and engaging!
do you think? Are we wasting too much time worrying about the wrong things?
Is time to #Reinvent Work by Scrapping it from the Traditional One !!!
Do you Agree the Marketing Funnel Is Dead & Over to the New Consumer Path to Purchase ???
Saturday, 1 October 2016
Get through Hump Day ??
Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty .....
Wednesday, otherwise known as “hump day”, tends to do 2 things for people:
- It reminds us of the challenges the last 2-3 days and what we’ve had to work through and overcome
- It gives a sense of dread as we look to the remaining 2-3 days of work ahead of us
Whether we work a 5 or 6 day week, we can use “hump day” to
recharge our focus and finish strong the rest of the week. Here are some
easy ways to make “hump day” work for you:
- Reflect on the positives. Think about what has been accomplished so far. Where has the needle been moved? What sub-steps towards a goal have been achieved? Where did you or others around you grow and develop? Find those successes and revel in them.
- Understand the week’s opportunities. No doubt there has been challenges or failures this week. Think on them and look to find how they could have been resolves or mitigated. Put corrective plans into action if applicable. Work the last half of the week to learn from the first half.
- Review the goals and greater vision. Take the time to re-tool your vision. Read your goals, company’s core values, and dream a bit. This helps re-orient the bigger picture and gives and undercurrent direction in what you will do over the next few days.
- Re-prioritize your task list. Sometimes you need to re-shuffle your to-do list as urgencies have died down or priorities have crept in. Make the list work for you, not vice versa.
- Recharge outside of work. Take Wednesday to recharges yourself.You’ll refresh yourself mentally and be ready both spiritually and physically to finish the week strong.
- Charge forward. Dive into the remaining days with fervor and a renewed zeal. Focus on your goals and end the week stronger than you started. Then when your weekend starts, you can look back with satisfaction at a profitable and effective week.
“Hump day” is a great day of the week for us to correct our
course and set ourselves up to success. Make it work for you by
approaching it with purpose rather than dread.
Do you have a “hump day” strategy than recommendation you should use it to build in a stretch of time for the something to enjoy you work wise ....
Have you ever thought about who you are? What you stand for?
With a pen and paper, start writing whatever comes to mind as you read the questions below.
I’m not talking about your roles or social identities. You can be a
friend, brother/sister, employee, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife,
partner, father/mother, son/daughter,all at the same time, but these
are just an aspect of you. They don’t represent who you fundamentally
are inside. Your inner self is who you really are on the inside.
- What is your life purpose? What is the purpose you see your life to have?
- What are your visions for yourself, independent of anyone else? What goals and dreams do you have for yourself in 1 year, 3 years, 5 years or even 10 years?
- What are YOUR motivations in life? What gets you going, day after day? What will you fight for? What do you feel passionately about?
- What are your values? What are the qualities important to you?
- What are your beliefs of the world? What are your world views?
... Personal Excellence is a way to connect you with the people who most need your skills everywhere and anyhow...
As you ponder
about how you will connect with your inner brand, I leave you here with
a message that may spin your day into something more wonderful - "Turn
the Magic On!"
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