It's said that misery loves company. I would rather add that anxiety loves company too. Worries are happiest in a crowd, and fears flock together......
Somehow, at least in our culture, we find relief when others are anxious too.
So we spread our anxiety, stoking it in other people, looking for solace in the fear in their eyes.
And thanks the the media, to the microphone we each have, to our
hyper-connected culture, it's easier than ever to spread our anxiety if
we choose. And when someone who seeks power offers to hear our anxiety
in exchange for attention or a vote, it gets even worse.
It's worth noting that there's no correlation between the real world
and anxiety. In fact, it's probably the opposite--when times are good,
people with a lot to lose start to get that itch.
Absorb the anxiety if you wish, spread it if you must, but understand that it's an invention, and it's optional.
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